
Showing posts from June, 2018

New Readings for Weekly Saturday Meditations

Every 9am Saturday Group Meditation is followed by a short and lively discussion on a Buddhist text. This week we'll begin exploring the Samyutta Nikaya, known as the "Connected Discourses of the Buddha." These short discourses are "connected" or "grouped" by theme. The full collection contains 2,889 suttas but we'll be working from a curated list  here . Each week's upcoming verse will be posted on our calendar page  and facebook . On Saturday, June 9, 2018, we'll start with SN 1.1 "Crossing Over the Flood." You can read it  here . As a reminder, Saturday meditations and discussions are always open to newcomers and familiar faces alike. And if it's your first time, get new visitor details  here . We look forward to sitting and sharing with you. Link list: For a summary of where the Samyutta Nikaya (SN) sits within the Pali Canon, see Jeff's notes  here .  For the curated, online version of the SN transla