Go Deeper with Buddhism through Saturday Study - Now Online

Image from https://tricycle.org/trikedaily/the-mindfulness-of-the-buddha/

Ozarks Dharma Community (ODC) is pleased to announce a new online Saturday Study will begin on September 19, 2020. Led by ODC facilitators and other ODC members, Saturday Study will explore the Eightfold Path.

What is the Eightfold Path?

The Buddha taught about suffering, the causes and ending of suffering, and a path we can cultivate to end suffering.

This Eightfold Path entails practices by which we can learn to pay attention to and become skillful in eight inter-related domains of our behavior, in order that we might reduce and even end our suffering and that of others. These eight inter-related domains are: Views, Intentions, Speech, Conduct, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness, and Concentration. (Also, these eight domains are sometimes grouped into three larger categories: wisdom, ethics, and mental discipline.)

How does Saturday Study work?

In Saturday Study, Ozarks Dharma Community will explore the Eightfold Path in more detail with those who wish to participate.

We will meet online for Saturday Study at 10:30am on Saturday mornings, starting September 19, 2020 and continuing the third Saturday of each following month (except December) through May 15, 2020. (By starting at 10:30am, we hope to provide a brief pause after meditation to help alleviate Zoom fatigue.) We expect each Saturday Study meeting will last about 45 minutes.

Our first meeting (Sep 19) will entail an introduction to the Eightfold Path. In subsequent meetings, we will cover the various domains of that path: Views (Oct 17); Intentions (Nov 21); Speech (Jan 16); Effort (Feb 20); Conduct & Livelihood (Mar 20); Mindfulness (Apr 17); and Concentration (May 15). Folks are welcome to participate in all or any of these meetings.

Below is the URL link that you can click on to join a “zoom meeting” to participate in our Saturday Study online sessions, as well as links and numbers you may need if joining by phone:

URL link to Join our Zoom Meeting (updated 3/27/20):

Meeting ID: 225 818 0988
One tap mobile: +12532158782,,2258180988# US
Dial by your location: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

The discussion leader for each Saturday Study meeting will select online videos, dharma talks, readings, etc. that can be used as supplemental materials for the meeting that she or he will lead. We will post links to those materials on our ODC website and facebook page in advance of the meetings to which they relate. Our goal is for the information to be posted three weeks in advance of the relevant meeting.

If you have questions about Saturday Study, you can email us at ozarksdharma@gmail.com.

We look forward to continuing to learn together!

Supplemental Material

First meeting: The Noble Eightfold Path, an excerpt from Tricycle Magazine.

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